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Leymus Arenarius


  • Size: 5 Litre
  • Positioning: Full sun
  • Soil moisture: Moist, well drained
  • Flowering Period: June to August
  • Hardiness: Hardy
  • Ultimate Height: 0.6m
  • Ultimate Spread: 0.7m

Leymus Arenarius, commonly known as Lyme Grass is a lovely bright grass plant which has bright blue spiky, almost upright foliage which creates dense clumps of colour. In the months from June to August the Leymus Arenarius blooms erect wheat like flowers. Known to create a wonderful display in beds and borders for low growing height. Can be planted and grown well in pots and containers which allow easy growth on balconies, patios or gardens without grass.

Leymus Arenarius care

Plant the Leymus Arenarius in a sunny, warm area of the garden with moist, well drained soils where it will thrive. In spring months simply comb or rake any of the dead or old leaves/flowers. An easy to grow garden plant suitable for gardeners of all abilities which creates a fantastic display.