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Eucalyptus Niphophila


Plant Information

  • Size: 3 Litre
  • Positioning: Full sun
  • Soil moisture: Well drained
  • Flowering Period: April to June
  • Hardiness: Hardy
  • Ultimate Height: 8m
  • Ultimate Spread: 4m

Eucalyptus Niphophila, commonly known as Snow Gum is an upright evergreen small tree or large shrub with stunning bark which flakes into cream, grey and green areas which are one of the main interests of this shrub. The shoots when young are vibrant red and in the months of April, May and June produces wonderful creamy white flowers with slight fragrance in the hotter, summer months. The leaves are a deep green, light blue colour which are stunning as they are elliptic becoming narrower the more mature the shrub becomes.

Recommended planting locations include sheltered areas, low maintenance architectural planting and anywhere with enough room to grow and mature into the size needed.

Eucalyptus Niphophila care

Plant the Eucalyptus Niphophila in a sunny, well drained location with enough room to mature and flourish into the small tree it is. Generally easy to grow if planted in enough space and requires minimal pruning. The Eucalyptus Niphophila will naturally form a lovely shape and may not require any pruning help. We would recommend occasionally pruning any damaged or congested shoots which begin to mishaps the growth which will encourage a good shape and healthier growth in the upcoming years.