Tufted Clubrush, Scirpus cespitosus (Trichophorum cespitosum)



Range: It is common throughout the country.


Climate, elevation: Found from gravely shores to wet tundra.


Local occurrence: Common in the Pacific North West coast and mountains.


Habitat preferences: It is found in bogs, gravely coast, or wet tundra. Often found in the dryer area of a bog that is regularly burned.


Plant strategy type/successional stage: This plant is a hearty sedge that comes from a short rhizome.


Associated species: Related to American bulrush, which I more common at lower elevations


May be collected as: Seed or by splitting apart a tussock of rhizomes.


Collection restrictions or guidelines: Seeds can be collected as a seed-like achene in July- August. 


Seed germination: No dormancy breaking or stratification requirements

Seed life: Can be dried and stored

Recommended seed storage conditions: Dried and stored in cold place


Propagation recommendations: can be propagated by seed, but easiest to separate a clump of them.


Soil or medium requirements: Coarse material with peat, to simulate a bog.


Installation form: After propagating from seed or rhizomes it is easiest to install from small pots into a wet environment.


Recommended planting density: Should not be to dense, as the rhizome will send up new shoots.


Illustration by Jeanne R. Janish,

From 'Vascular Plants of the Pacific Northwest'



Care requirements after installed: If in a sufficiently wet area, all it will require is weed suppression while it establishes.


Normal rate of growth or spread; lifespan: This is not known to be a quickly spreading plant, but once it establishes the dense rhizomes will suppress invasives.


Sources cited




Pojar J., McKinnon A.,1994 Plants of the Pacific Northwest, B.C. Ministry of Forests and Lone Publishing, Canada


Data compiled by: Josh Hegarty 5/06