It’s easy to grow your own flowers from seed. Here’s beautiful flowers, growing information & seed collections for gifts.


Welcome to Country Garden Seeds! Flower Seeds for your garden, for cut flowers and for wildlife. Do you dream of a beautiful garden full of scented flowers and buzzing with wildlife? Just sow a few packets of seeds for gorgeous blooms to fill your borders quickly, for cut flowers and food for bees and butterflies. Here are some beautiful and easy plants for you to grow.
There are lots of easy flower seeds to sow and grow in May. You can help your garden wildlife by growing beautiful open-centred blooms. It’s Spring and at last things are warming up outdoors. Spring sown flowers often bloom in just 8-10 weeks so it’s the perfect time to choose what you’d love to see in your garden this year. Checkout Seeds to Sow in May for some inspiration and ideas. Wishing you a very Happy and Flower Filled Spring. Thanks for visiting and Happy Gardening. Gillian 🙂

Briza media

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Product Details
Briza media Seeds

Briza media is a beautiful perennial grass with purple tinted foliage and locket shaped flower heads. In summer the flowers are green and purple and they gradually fade through golden shades to a pale straw colour. Briza media is a lovely grass to include in wildflower meadows with Cornflowers, Poppies, Ox Eye Daisies and Field Scabious . It’s also good in mixed borders with flowering perennials, great in the cutting garden for cut flower production and lovely for dried flowers too.

Like most grasses Briza media is easy to grow and quickly produces masses of stems for cutting.

Genus Briza media
Common Name Quaking Grass
Plant Type Hardy Perennial Grass. Cut Flower.
Height & Spread 30cm tall x 30-60cm wide ( 12 inches tall x 1-2 feet wide)
Sow Seeds Sow indoors in spring (mid Feb/March/April) then plant out in May. Sow outdoors from May onwards.
Sow direct again in autumn
Thin/Plant Out Allow at least 45cm (18 inches) between plants.
Conditions Required Briza media is adaptable and will grow in most conditions. Prefers well drained soil in full sun will also grow in partly shaded conditions
Flower Production Flowers produced from June to August. Cut back to ground level or mow in late winter before new foliage appears.
Picking Pick early in the morning or the cool of the evening before arranging. Lasts several weeks in a vase. Dries well.
Planting Combinations This lovely grass grows particularly well with other summer flowering annuals and wildflowers such as Poppies, Cornflowers, Knautia arvenis and Leucanthemum vulgare.
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