cydonia oblonga Bereczki owoce05059Hungarian variety with pear shaped fruits. They ripen at the end of September and could be stored in a cool place up to 6 weeks. Fruits are big, up to 250g weight, fairly juicy, sweet acidic, with a good flavour. Flesh is yellow, after cooking turns into reddish.

Bereczki trees grow pretty strong.

cydonia oblonga Vranja owoce06974Serbian variety with medium vigor and pear-shaped fruits with excellent flavor. Bears the greatest fruits of our varieties of quince - more than 600 grams.

cydonia oblonga Miagkoplodnaja owoce05605Russian variety, probably the best of only few ones suited for raw eating of the fruits. They are pear shaped, reaching max. 470g weight. Their flesh is tasty and flavorful but not suitable for storage. Myagkoplodnaya is a strong grower.

Quinces are of mediterranean origin and prefer warm places and fertile soil. Most varieties are self fertile, but planting two different or more will increase crops.

cydonia oblonga Darunok Onuku owoce05046Ukrainian variety with medium maturity date. First fruits in 3-4 years. Good producer with mediocre growth - of a 25-year tree can be harvested 60-90kg fruits.

Average fruit weight is 270g. They are easy to store and hold until February to March. Strongly aromatic pulp of good taste.
This cultivar forms at old age a large canopy. Exceptionally, this species is only partially self-fertile! Therefore, cross-pollination is advantageous. Very hardy.

cydonia oblonga Leskovac owoce06978Serbian variety with more shrubby growth. Fruits round, average size.