Blue Fleabane- Erigeron acris L.

Stace (2010) pg 745/Rose & O’Reilly (2006) pg.446/ BSBI Distribution:

This species was found on the dunes near “Glaux Low”. Due to the presence of ray and disc florets I looked under Asteraceae, then under fleabanes as there was a resemblance to Canadian Fleabane, Conyza canadensis. As the flowers had purple ray florets and the flower heads are equal (not overlapping) to the bracts, it could be identifies as Blue Fleabane, Erigeron acer (Rose & O’Reilly 2006):

This species is an erect, hairy annual/biennial to 60cm tall (Stace 2010). Leaves are alternately arranged and linear-lanceolate  in shape. Stem leaves are untoothed and clasping, whereas the basal leaves are  obovate-lanceolate, stalked, and growing in a basal rosette (Rose & O’Reilly 2006):

Hairy leaves and stem. Ligules 2-4mm (Stace 2010):

Flower heads are arranged in a loose panicles and are 12-18mm across. The ray florets are pale purple, narrow and slightly longer than the yellow disk florets (Rose & O’Reilly 2006):

Though not shown here, another feature of this species are the achenes are yellow, hairy, with a long reddish-white pappus (Rose & O’Reilly 2006).

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