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Erythrophysa transvaalensis

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The caudex.

A pale flower by Egon Krogsgaard,

Author:  Frans Verdoorn, 1942
Origin:  Transvaal; South Africa.
Soil:  Mix
Water:  Medium
Sun:  Maximum
Thickness:  ?
Height:  6 meters
Flower:  Pale Red
Propagate:  Seeds
Names:  Transvaal Red Balloon, Transvaalse Rooiklapperbos, Bushveld Red Balloon, Mofalatsana
Synonyms:  -

This member of the Sapindaceae family was given this name by Frans Verdoom in 1942. It is found in the central part of South Africa, growing on rocky ridges with some water and lots of sun. It will grow up to six meters, the flowers are pale red, and it seems it only can be reproduced by seeds.

The genera name from Greek; eryhros; 'red' and physa; 'Physalis'. The species name means it is from Transvaal - an area in South Africa.

It is said that there are only 100 left in the wild.

The flowers from

The fruit by Ori Fragman-Sapi,
