the flowers are blooming in the garden
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Dipsacus fullonum - teasel

Product details
Position: full sun or partial shade
Soil: moderately fertile soil
Rate of growth: average
Hardiness: fully hardy but short-lived The conical flowerheads of this tall native biennial are loved by bees, while the seedheads, which last well after the flowers have faded, are sought-after by goldfinches (and florists). A robust plant, it is a common site in grassland or roadside verges, where it will flourish in a wide range of soils.
Garden care: Direct-sow shallowly in spring into a well-prepared bed and when the seedlings start to appear, thin to 30cm intervals. Alternatively, start them off in trays and harden off before planting out. Keep well watered. These plants self-seed freely, which is great if you have a large area to colonise. If you do not want more, cut back the plants before they set seed.
Sow: September-October or March-May
Flowering: June - August
Approximate quantity: 150 seeds.
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