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Narrowleaf Hawksbeard (Crepis tectorum)

Narrowleaf Hawksbeard (Crepis tectorum) Pollen

This is narrowleaf hawksbeard on the east slopes of the Cascade Mountains, Washington.



KINGDOM: Plantae /Angiosperms /Eudicots /Asterids ORDER: Asterales FAMILY: Asteraceae GENUS: Crepis SPECIES: tectorum

Significance in the Environment:

Characteristic Features:

Associated Particles:


Faegri, Knut and Johs Iversen, TEXTBOOK OF POLLEN ANALYSIS, Hafner Publishing Company, 1964.

Kapp, Ronald O., HOW TO KNOW POLLEN AND SPORES, Wm. C. Brown Company, 1969.

Moore, P.D., J. A. Webb, and M. E. Collinson, POLLEN ANALYSIS, Blackwell Scientific Publications, 1991