Family: Asteraceae

Scientific Name: Centaurea maculosa

Common Name: Spotted Knapweed,

DescriptionAn introduced plant that has become a pest in cultivation.
Plant TypeAll Plants, Annuals, Weeds, Biennials
Hardiness Zone5
Soil & Siteaverage
Flowersflower consists of disk flowers, purplish, the outer ring of disk flowers are sterile, grows as a biennial
Fruitseeds are achenes, have short comb-like pappus (fluff)
Leavesalternate, pinnatifid with narrow divisions, first year grows as a basal rosette of leaves
Stemsif touched can cause an irritation
Rootsforms a tap root, roots exude a natural herbicide to ward off other plants
Dimensions3 plus feet tall, erect
Propagationspreads by seeds
Native SiteNative to Europe
Author's NotesWisconsin Point is a sand peninsula along Lake Superior. I read an article where a professor and his students where pulling this plant out. They were invasive and crowding out the native species and up setting the ecosystem. This is in zone #4.
Notes & Reference#19-Common Weeds ( USDA Agricultural Research Service), #100-Wildflowers of Wisconsin and the Upper Midwest (Black and Judziewicz), #136-Weeds of the Northern US and Canada (France Royer, Richard Dickinson),
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