Family: Asteraceae

Scientific Name: Tanacetum parthenium

Common Name: Fever Few


Feverfew (Tanacetum parthenium) Produces a large amount of small white daisy-like flowers with a yellow center. A short lived perennial many times treat as an annual.

Plant TypeAnnuals, Perennials Hardy, Site author's observations, Short lived perennials
Hardiness Zone5
Soil & Siteaverage
Temperatureprefers cooler climates
Flowers3/4 inch daisy-like flowers, petals are ray flowers, yellow center, mid to late summer
Leavesalternate, pinnately lobed, fern-like, pungent scent when crushed
Dimensionsabout 2 feet, space 18-24 inches
Maintenancecut back after it flowers, reseeds in the garden
Propagationeasy from seed or divisions, also from cuttings
Misc FactsThe name "Feverfew" stems from the Latin word febrifugia, “fever reducer.” Feverfew has been prescribed for “all hot inflammations.” Also known as “featherfew,” because of its feathery leaves. Feverfew herb has a long history of use in traditional and folk medicine. SYN: Chrysanthemum parthenium, Matricaria parthenium, Pyrethrum parthenium
Author's NotesWhen I grew this plant in my nursery it was a short lived perennial. Maybe last two years. Would reseed in the nursery beds.
Notes & Reference#40-Herbaceous Ornamental Plants (Steven Stills)
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