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Genus Bulbophyllum

Genus Bulbophyllum

Bulbophyllum Thouars, Hist. Orchid. (1822) Tab. Esp. 3, Ic. t. 93-97, nom. cons. Type species: Bulbophyllum nutans (Thouars) Thouars, type cons. (basionym: Phyllorkis nutans Thouars), cons. pending.


  • Genus Acrochaene Lindl., Fol. Orchid. 2(1853) 1. Type species: Acrochaene punctata Lindl. (= Bulbophyllum kingii Hook.f.).
  • Genus Anisopetalon Hook., Exot. Fl. 2 (1825). t. 149. Type species: Anisopetalon careyanum Hook. (= Bulbophyllum careyanum (Hook.) Spreng.).
  • Genus Anisopetalon Hook., Exot. Fl. 2 (1825) t. 149
  • Genus Blepharochilum M.A.Clem. & D.L.Jones, Orchadian 13 (2002) 499. Type species: Bulbophyllum purpurascens F.M.Bailey (= Bulbophyllum macphersonii Rupp).
  • Genus Bolbophyllaria Rchb.f, Bot. Zeitung (Berlin), 10 (1852) 934, Type species: Bolbophyllaria bracteolata Rchb.f. (= Bulbophyllum bracteolatum Lindl.).
  • Genus Bolbophyllopsis Rchb.f., Bot. Zeitung (Berlin) 10 (1852) 933. Type species: Bolbophyllopsis morphologorum Rchb.f. (= Bulbophyllum umbellatum Lindl.)
  • Genus Canacorchis Guillaumin, Bull. Mus. Natl. Hist. Nat. II, 35 (1964) 653: Type species: Canacorchis lophoglottis Guillaumin (= Bulbophyllum lophoglottis (Guillaumin) Halle).
  • Genus Carparomorchis M.A.Clem. & D.L.Jones, Orchadian 13 (2002) 499 . Lectotype: Carparomorchis macrantha (Lindl.) M.A.Clem. & D.L.Jones (chosen by Seidenfaden 1979) (= Bulbophyllum macranthum (Lindl.)).
  • Genus Chaseella Summerh., Kirkia 1 (1961) 88. Type species: Chaseella pseudohydra Summerh.
  • Genus Cirrhopetalum Lindl., Gen. Sp. Orchid. Pl., 45 (1830), nom. cons. Type species: Cirrhopetalum thouarsii Lindl. (= Bulbophyllum longiflorum Thouars).
  • Genus Cochlia Blume, Bijdr. Fl. Ned. Ind. (1825) 320. Type species: Cochlia violacea Blume (= Bulbophyllum salaccense Rchb.f.).
  • Genus Codonosiphon Schltr., Repert. Spec. Nov. Regni Veg. Beih. 1 (1913) 893. Type species: Codonosiphon codonanthum (Schltr.) Schltr. (basionym: Bulbophyllum codonanthum Schltr.).
  • Genus Dactylorhynchus Schltr., Repert. Spec. Nov. Regni Veg. Beih. 1 (1913) 890
  • Genus Dactylorhynchus Schltr., Repert. Spec. Nov. Regni Veg. Beih.1 (1913) 890. Type species: Dactylorhynchus flavescens Schltr. (= Bulbophyllum latipes J.J.Sm.).
  • Genus Didactyle Lindl., Fol. Orchid., 1 (1852). 1, Type species: Didactyle exaltata Lindl. (= Bulbophyllum exaltatum Lindl.).
  • Genus Diphyes Blume, Bijdr. Fl. Ned. Ind. 310 (1825). Lectotype (chosen by Szlachetko & Rutkowski 2008): Diphyes tortuosa Blume (= Bulbophyllum tortuosum (Blume) Lindl.).
  • Genus Drymoda Lindl., Sert. Orchid. (1838) t. 8 C. Type species: Drymoda picta Lindl.
  • Genus Ephippium Blume, Bijdr. Fl. Ned. Ind. (1825) 308. Lectotype (chosen by Vermeulen 2008): Ephippium lepidum Blume (= Bulbophyllum lepidum (Blume) J.J.Sm.).
  • Genus Epicranthes Blume, Bijdr. Fl. Ned. Ind. (1825) 306. (‘Epicranthes’).Type species: Epicranthes javanica Blume (= Bulbophyllum epicrianthes (Blume) Hook.f.) Hamer & Siegerist (basionym: Cirrhopetalum cornutum Lindl. (= Bulbophyllum helenae (Kuntze) J.J.Sm.).
  • Genus Ferruminaria Garay, Hamer & Siegerist, Nordic J. Bot. 141 (1994) 635. Type species: Ferruminaria brastagiensis (Carr) Garay, Hamer & Siegerist.
  • Genus Fruticicola (Schltr .) M.A.Clem. & D.L.Jones, Orchadian 13 (2002) 499. Type species: Fruticicola albopunctata M.A.Clem. & D.L.Jones (= Bulbophyllum fruticicola Schltr.).
  • Genus Gerryorchis Schltr., Westafr. Kautschuk-Exped. (1900) 280. Type species: Gerryorchis pumila Schltr.
  • Genus Gersinia Neraud, in Freyc., Voy. Uranie. Bot. (1826) 27
  • Genus Hamularia Aver. & Averyanova, Komarovia 4 (2006) 18. Type species: Hamularia puluongensis Aver. & Averyanova (= Bulbophyllum griffithii Rchb.f.).
  • Genus Hapalochilus (Schltr.) Senghas, Orchidee (Hamburg) 29 (1978) 248. Lectotype (chosen by Senghas 1978): Hapalochilus nitidus (Schltr.) Senghas. (= Bulbophyllum nitidum Schltr.).
  • Genus Henosis Hook.f, Fl. Brit. India, 5 (1890) 771. Type species: Henosis longipes Rchb.f.
  • Genus Hippoglossum Breda, Gen. Sp. Orchid. Asclep. 3 (1829) t. 14. Type species: Hippoglossum umbellatum Breda (= Bulbophyllum lepidum (Blume) Lindl.).
  • Genus Hordeanthos Szlach., Richardiana, 7 (2007) 88. Type species: Hordeanthos femniscatus (C.S.P.Parish ex Hook.f.) Szlach. (basionym: Bulbophyllum lemniscatum C.S.P.Parish ex Hook.f.).
  • Genus Ione Lindl., Fol. Orchid. 2 (1853) Ione
  • Genus Hyalosema (Schltr.) Rolfe, Orchid Rev. 2 (1919) 130. Type species: Hyalosema grandiflorum (Blume) Rolfe (basionym: Bulbophyllum grandiflorum Blume).
  • Genus lchthyostomum D.L.Jones, M.A.Clem. & Molloy, Orchadian 13 (2002) 499. Type species: Ichthyostomum pygmaeum (Sm.) D.L.Jones, M.A.Clem. & Molloy (basionym: Bulbophyllum pygmaeum (Sm.) Lindl.).
  • Genus Ione Lindl., Fol. Orchid., 2 (1853) 1. Lectotype: Ione paleacea Lindl. (chosen by Vermeulen 2005).
  • Genus Jejosephia A.N.Rao & Mani, J Econ. Taxon. Bot. 7 (1985) 217. Type species: Jejosephia pusilla Joseph & H. Deka) A.N. Rao & K.J. Mani.
  • Genus Kaurorchis D.L.Jones & M.A.Clem., Orchadian 13 (2002) 499. Type species: Kaurorchis evasa (T.E.Hunt & Rupp) D.L.Jones & M.A.Clem. (basionym: Bulbophyllum evasum TE.Hunt & Rupp).
  • Genus Lepanthanthe (Schltr.) Szlach., Richardiana 1 (2007) 82. Type species: Lepanthanthe lepanthiflora (Schltr.) Szlach. (basionym: Bulbophyllum lepanthiflorum Schltr.).
  • Genus Lyraea Lindl., Gen. Sp. Orchid. Pl. (1830)46. Type species: Lyraea prismatica Lindl.
  • Genus Macrolepis A. Rich. in J.S.C.Domont d'Urville, Voy. A trolabe 2 (1833) 25. Type species: Macrolepis longiscapa A. Rich. (= Bulbophyllum longiscapum (A.Rich.) Rolfe).
  • Genus Malachadenia Lindl., Edwards’s Bot. Reg. 25 (Misc.) (1839) 67. Type species: Malachadenia clavata Lindl. (= Bulbophyllum malachadenia Cogn.).
  • Genus Mastigion Garay, Hamer & Siegerist, Nordic J. Bot. 14 (1994) 635. Type species: Mastigion appendiculatum (Rolfe) Garay (= Bulbophyllum appendiculatum (Rolfe) J.J.Sm.).
  • Genus Megaclinium Lindl., Bot. Reg. 12 (1826) t. 989. Type species: Megaclinium falcatum Lindl. (= Bulbophyllum falcatum (Llndl.) Rchb.f. var. falcatum).
  • Genus Monomeria Lindl., Gen. Sp. Orchid. Pl. (1830) 61. Type species: Monomeria barbata Lindl. Lectotype (chosen by Averyanov 1994): Sunipia scariosa Lindl.
  • Genus Monosepalum Schltr., Repert. Spec. Nov. Regni Veg. Beih. 1 (1913) 682. Lectotype (chosen by Van Royen 1979): Monosepalum muricatum (J.J.Sm.) Schltr. (basionym: Bulbophyllum muricatum J.J.Sm.).
  • Genus Monosepalum Schltr., Repert. Spec. Nov. Regni Veg. Beih. 1 (1913) 895
  • Genus Odontostylis Breda, Gen. Sp. Orchid. Asclep., t. 4 (1827), nom. illeg. Lectotype: Odontostylis triflora (Blume) Breda (= Bulbophyllum triflorum (Blume) Blume).
  • Genus Oncophyllum D.l. .Jones & M.A.Clem., Orchadian 13 (2001) 420. Type species: Oncophyllum minutissimum (F.Muell.) D.L.Jones & M.A.Clem. (basionym: Bulbophyllum minutissimum F.Muell.).
  • Genus Osyricera Blume, Bijdr. Fl. Ned. Ind. (1825) 307. Type species: Osyricera crassifolia Blume (= Bulbophyllum osyricera J.J.Sm.).
  • Genus Oxysepala Wight, lton. Pl. Ind. Orient., 5, 17 (1851). Type species: Oxysepala ovalifolium Wight (= Bulbophyllum clandestinum Lindl.).
  • Genus Papulipetalum (Schltr.) M.A.Clem. & D.L.Jones, Orchadian 13 (2002) 500. Type species: Papulipetalum angustifolium M.A.Clem. & D.L.Jones (=Bufbophyllum papulipetalum Schltr.).
  • Genus Pedilochilus Schltr. in K.M. Schumann & C.A.G. Lauterbach, Fl. Schutzgeb. Südsee, Nachtr. (1905) 218. Type species: Pedilochilus papuanum Schltr.
  • Genus Pelma Finet, Notul. Syst. (Paris) 1 (1909) 112. Syntype: Pelma absconditum J.J.Sm., Pelma neocaledonicumnSchltr. (= B. absconditum J.J.Sm.).
  • Genus Peltopus (Schltr.) Szlach. & Marg., Polish Bot. J. 46 (2001) 114. Type species: Peltopus greuterianus Szlach. & Marg. (= Bulbophyllum peltopus Schltr.).
  • Genus Phyllorchis Thouars, Hist. Orchid. (1822) Tabl. Esp. 3
  • Genus Phyllorkis Thouars, Nouv. Bull. Sci. Soc. Philom. Paris, 1 (1809) 319. Type species: Phyllorkis nutans Thouars.
  • Genus Rhytionanthos Garay, Hamer & Siegerist, Nordic J. Bot. 14 (1994) 637. Type species: Rhytionanthos cornutum (Llndl.) Garay.t
  • Genus Saccoglossum Schltr., Repert. Spec. Nov. Regni Veg. Beih.1 (1912) 683. Lectotype: Saccoglossum papuanum Schltr.
  • Genus Serpenticaulis M.A.Clem. & D.L.Jones, Orchadian 13 (2002). 500 Type species: Serpenticaulis bowkettiae (F.M.Bailey) M.A.Clem. & D.L.Jones (basionym: Bulbophyllum bowkettiae F M.Bailey).
  • Genus Sestochilos Breda, Gen. Sp. Orchid. Asclep., 1 (1827) t. 3. Type species: Sestochilos uniflorum Breda (= Bulbophyllum lobbii Lindl.).
  • Genus Spilorchis D.L.Jones & M.A.Clem., Orchadian 15 (2005) 37. Type species: Spilorchis weinthalii (R.S.Rogers) D.L.Jones & M.A.Clem. (basionym: Bulbophyllum weinthalii R.S.Rogers).
  • Genus Sunipia Buch.-Ham. ex Sm. in A.Rees, Cycl. 34 , Art. Stelis, nos. 11 & 13 (1816). Lectotype (chosen by Senghas 1991): Sunipia racemosa (Sm.) Tang & FT.Wang (= Bulbophyllum reptans (Lindl.) Lindl. ex Wall.).
  • Genus Synarmosepalum Garay, Hamer & Siegerist, Nordic J. Bot., 14 (1994) 639. Type species: Synarmosepalum kittredgei Garay, Hamer & Siegerist (= Bulbophyllum kittredgei (Garay, Hamer & Siegerist) J.J.Verm.).
  • Genus Tapeinoglossum Schltr., Repert. Spec. Nov. Regni Veg. Beih. 1 (1913) 892. Lectotype: Bulbophyllum centrosemiflorum Schltr.
  • Genus Taurostalix Rchb.f., Bot. Zeitung (Berlin) 10 (1852) 933. Type species: Taurostalix herminiostachys Rchb.f. (=Bulbuphyllum pumilum (Sw.) Lindl.).
  • Genus Trachyrhachis (Schltr.) Szlach., Richardiana, 7 (2007) 85. Lecto ype (chosen by Vermeulen 1993): Bulbophyllum barbilabium Schltr. (= Bulbophyllum bulliferum J.J.Sm.).
  • Genus Trias Lindl., Gen. Sp. Orchid. Pl. (1830) 60. Lectotype (chosen by Averyanov 1994): Trias oblonga Lindl.
  • Genus Tribrachia Lindl., Bot. Reg., 10 (1823) t. 832. Type species: Tribrachia reptans Lindl. (= Bulbophyllum reptans (Lindl.) Lindl. ex Wall.).
  • Genus Tripudianthes (Seidenf.) Szlach. & Kras, Richardiana 7 (2007) 94. Type species: Tripudianthes tripudians (C.S.P.Parish & Rchb.f.) Szlach. & Kras. (basionym: Bulbophyllum tripudians C.S.P.Parish & Rchb.f.).
  • Genus Vesicisepalum Garay, Hamer & Siegerist, Nordic J. Bot., 14 (1994) 641. Type species: Vesicisepalum folliculiferum (J.J.Sm.) Garay, Hamer & Siegerist (basionym: Bulbophyllum folliculiferum J.J.Sm.).
  • Genus Xiphizusa Rchb.f., Bot. Zeitung(Berlin) 10 (1852) 919. Type species: Xiphizusa chloroptera Rchb.f. (= Bulbophyllum chloropteum Rchb.f.).
  • Genus Zygoglossum Reinw., Syll. Pl. Nov. 2 (1825) 5. Type species: Zygoglossum umbellatum Reinw. ((= Bulbophyllum longiflorum Thouars).

Sympodial epiphytes or sometimes lithophytic or terrestrial plants. Rhizomes very short to very long, when young with scale leaves; internodes per sympodium 3 to many. Pseudobulbs consisting of one internode, usually swollen, ranging from very small to quite big, 1- or 2-leaved at the apex (in New Guinea always 1-leaved). Leaves usually persistent, eventually deciduous, glabrous, duplicate, dorsoventrally flattened or rarely terete, leathery or sometimes rather thin-textured; without leaf sheath. Inflorescence usually heteranthous, arising from the base of the pseudobulbs or from nodes or well above nodes on the rhizome, racemose or with a single flower, usually glabrous or papillose, rarely pubescent; rachis when present usually elongated and cane-like, but sometimes (not in New Guinea) swollen into a spindle-shaped body, or widened and bilaterally flattened with flowers either inserted on the flat side or along the edges; floral. bracts appressed to reflexed, caducous or persistent. Flowers very small to very large, sometimes ephemeral, resupinate or not, widely opening or not, opening simultaneous or in succession. Sepals free, rarely adherent, or connate, Lateral sepals when connate either with along their lower margins or twisted at the base and connate with their upper margins; mentum usually chin-like. Petals free, usually very different from the sepals in size and shape as well as in colour. Lip usually swollen, usually highly mobile hinged to the column, but in some species the lip is immobile attached to the column, undivided to 3-lobed, glabrous to papillose to ciliate to vesiculose; margins entire to denticulate to fimbriate; above with or without longitudinal ridges, more rarely with transverse ridges; spur absent. Column usually with 2 stelidia, often below the stelidia winged; column foot distinct or sometimes reduced to a swelling; anther 2-locular; pollinia 2 or 4, the inner 2 equally large or (much) smaller than the outer pair, solid, usually waxy, sometimes hard; caudicles, stipe, hamulus or tegulus rarely present.

World wide tropics, also in South Africa, Japan, New Zealand, in the Pacific east to the Society Islands. About 2200 species; in New Guinea more than 600 species.

In almost all habitats where epiphytic orchids occur. Also on rocks; rarely terrestrial and then mainly at higher altitudes.TE

  • Seidenfaden, G. 1973. Notes on Cirrhopetalum Lindl. Dansk Bot. Ark. 29(1):1 - 260.
  • Seidenfaden, G. 1979. Orchid Genera in Thailand VIII. Bulbophyllum Thouars. Dansk Bot. Ark. 33(3): 1 - 228.
  • Vermeulen, J.J. 1991. Orchids of Borneo, vol. 2: Bulbophyllum. Bentham - Moxon Trust, Royal Botanic Gardens, Kew and Toihaan Publishing Company, Kota Kinabalu, in association with the Sabah Society, Kota Kinabalu.
  • Vermeulen, J.J. 1993. A taxonomic revision of Bulbophyllum sections Adelopetalum, Lepanthanthe, Macrouris, Pelma, Peltopus and Uncifera (Orchidaceae). Orchid Monogr. 7: 1 - 324.
  • Vermeulen, J.J. 2002. A taxonomic revision of Bulbophyllum 2: sections Altisceptrum and Hirtula. Gard. Bull. Singapore 54: 1 151.
  • Vermeulen, J.J. & P. O'Byrne. 2008. Thirty two new species of Bulbophyllum (Orchidacea) from Sulawesi. Gard. Bull. Singapore 60: 73 - 153.
  • Vermeulen, J.J. 2008. New species of Bulbophyllum from eastern Malesia (Orchidacea). Nordic J. Botany 26: 129 - 195.
  • Vermeulen, J.J., Schuiteman, A & de Vogel, E.F. 2014. Nomenclatural changes in Bulbophyllum (Orchidaceae; Epidendroideae), Phytotaxa 166 (2): 101–113
  • Subfamily Epidendroideae TEST
  • Tribe Dendrobieae
  • Subtribe Bulbophyllinae
  • Genus Bulbophyllum
  • Vermeulen, Schuiteman & de Vogel, Nomenclatural changes in Bulbophyllum (Orchidaceae; Epidendroideae), Phytotaxa (2014)166 (2): 101–113

Various attempts to split up this huge genus into smaller ones have been little more than cherry-picking: taking out (seemingly) well-defined groups, while leaving the bulk of the species untouched. This is unsatisfactory and does not take into account the phylogeny of the genus as a whole. Given how difficult it is to delimit the numerous sections within the genus using morphological characters, we consider it preferable to recognise only one big genus Bulbophyllum. This includes such groups as Cirrhopetalum, Pedilochilus, Saccoglossum, Monosepalum, and others. The article in which these taxa were officially transferred to Bulbophyllum is: Vermeulen, Schuiteman & de Vogel, Nomenclatural changes in Bulbophyllum (Orchidaceae; Epidendroideae), Phytotaxa (2014)166 (2): 101–113

Genus Bulbophyllum in New Guinea contains 31 sections:

Genus Bulbophyllum Section Altisceptrum
Genus Bulbophyllum Section Beccariana
Genus Bulbophyllum Section Brachyantha
Genus Bulbophyllum Section Brachypus
Genus Bulbophyllum Section Brachystachyae
Genus Bulbophyllum Section Cirrhopetalum
Genus Bulbophyllum Section Codonosiphon
Genus Bulbophyllum Section Epicrianthes
Genus Bulbophyllum Section Gongorodes
Genus Bulbophyllum Section Hoplandra
Genus Bulbophyllum Section Hyalosema
Genus Bulbophyllum Section Imitatores
Genus Bulbophyllum Section Intervallatae
Genus Bulbophyllum Section Lepanthanthe
Genus Bulbophyllum Section Lepidorhiza
Genus Bulbophyllum Section Macrouris
Genus Bulbophyllum Section Minutissima
Genus Bulbophyllum Section Monanthaparva
Genus Bulbophyllum Section Monanthes
Genus Bulbophyllum Section Monosepalum
Genus Bulbophyllum Section Oxysepala
Genus Bulbophyllum Section Papulipetalum
Genus Bulbophyllum Section Pedilochilus
Genus Bulbophyllum Section Pelma
Genus Bulbophyllum Section Peltopus
Genus Bulbophyllum Section Phreatiopsis
Genus Bulbophyllum Section Piestobulbon
Genus Bulbophyllum Section Polymeres
Genus Bulbophyllum Section Schistopetalum
Genus Bulbophyllum Section Sestochilos
Genus Bulbophyllum Section Stachysanthes
Genus Bulbophyllum Section Tapeinoglossum
Genus Bulbophyllum Section Uncifera


1a. Some or all inflorescences racemose (inflorescence with two or more flowers; rachis elongate or congested, or inflorescence subumbellate) == 2.
1b. All inflorescences 1-flowered (sometimes several 1-flowered inflorescences are arranged in clusters). == 62.

2a. Basal node of the pedicel well above the place of attachment of the floral bract (1/3 the diameter of the pedicel or more) in at least some flowers of the inflorescence. Raceme congested or elongate. Pedicel and ovary of the lowermost flower shorter than 2 X the length of the rachis. GROUP A. == 3.
2b. Basal node of the pedicel in all flowers about level with the place of attachment of the floral bract; or raceme subumbellate. Pedicel and ovary of the lowermost flower 2 X the length of the rachis or longer. Several to all flowers per inflorescence opening simultaneously; or both characters present. GROUP B. == 24.

3a. GROUP A. Margins of the petals ciliate or ciliolate == 4.
3b. Margins of the petals glabrous, erose(-papillose) or denticulate == 7.

4a. Apex of the median sepal swollen, globular to ellipsoid == Bulbophyllum sect. Lepanthanthe.
4b. Apex of the median sepal not swollen, obtuse to caudate == 5.

5a. Floral bracts not amplexicaul == Bulbophyllum sect. Hirtula.
5b. Floral bracts amplexicaul and usually tubular at the base == 6.

6a. Margins of the lip ciliate == Bulbophyllum sect. Monanthaparva.
6b. Margins of the lip entire or erose to dentate == Bulbophyllum sect. Intervallatae.

7a. Inflorescences 1- or 2-flowered == 8.
7b. Inflorescences 3- to many-flowered (2-flowered inflorescences may also be present) == 13.

8a. Lip 0.8-1.7 cm long (without stretching or spreading) == 9.
8b. Lip 0.08-0.6 cm long == 10.

9a. Roots densely and coarsely papillose to rugulose to verrucose == Bulbophyllum sect. Lepidorhiza.
9b. Roots glabrous, locally finely hirsute == Bulbophyllum sect. Intervallatae.

10a. Stelidia along the lower margin with a distinct, downwards directed, usually rounded tooth (the tooth protruding well below the level of the rostellum == Bulbophyllum sect. Uncifera.
10b. Stelidia along the lower margin without a tooth (sometimes with a backwards pointing tooth lower down, or teeth may be present between which the rostellum is situated) == 11.

11a. Column in lateral view with the lower margin of the stigma protruding == 12.
11b. Column in lateral view with the lower margin of the stigma not protruding (a slight swelling may be present lower down on the column foot) == Bulbophyllum sect. Sestochilus (Bulbophyllum anceps).

12a. Pollinia 2 == Bulbophyllum sect. Macrouris.
12b. Pollinia 4 == Bulbophyllum sect. Pelma.

13a. Raceme with 3 or more distichous flowers (only 1 flower per raceme may be open, but more buds or developing floral bracts are present) == 14.
13b.Raceme with spirally arranged flowers, or flowers tristichous == 17.

14a. Apex of the median sepal thickened, globular to ellipsoid == Bulbophyllum sect. Lepanthanthe.
14b.Apex of the median sepal not thickened, obtuse to caudate == 15.

15a. Rhizome erect, patent or pendulous, the roots grow over or parallel to the rhizome towards the substrate == Bulbophyllum sect. Pelma.
15b. Rhizome creeping or straggling, with roots spreading over the substrate== 16.

16a. Roots glabrous, or locally finely hirsute == Bulbophyllum sect. Intervallatae.
16b. Roots densely and coarsely papillose to rugulose to verrucose == Bulbophyllum sect. Lepidorhiza.

17a. Rhizome erect, patent or pendulous, the roots grow over or parallel to the rhizome towards the substrate == 18.
17b. Rhizome creeping or straggling, with the roots spreading over the substrate== 20.

18a. Stelidia near the base along the lower margin with a distinct, downwardly directed, usually rounded tooth (the tooth protruding well below the level of the rostellum == Bulbophyllum sect. Uncifera.
18b. Stelidia near the base along the lower margin without a tooth (sometimes with a backwards pointing tooth lower down, or teeth may be present between which the rostellum is situated) == 19.

19a. Racemes eventually 2 to many, fasciculate on a short sympodium. Lip with distinct, backwards pointing lateral lobes == Bulbophyllum sect. Lepanthanthe (species with pendulous rhizome).
19b. Racemes solitary, or sometimes two together. Lip without lateral lobes == Bulbophyllum sect. Macrouris.

20a. Lateral sepals either with a distinct, entire to deeply dentate keel; or apex of the lateral sepals swollen, globular to ellipsoid to almost cylindrical (sometimes incurved and difficult to see); or both characters present. == Bulbophyllum sect. Lepanthanthe (species with creeping rhizome).
20b. Lateral sepals without keel; apex of the lateral sepals not thickened, obtuse to caudate == 21.

21a. Stelidia along the lower margin with a distinct, downwards pointing, usually rounded tooth (the tooth protruding well below the level of the rostellum) == Bulbophyllum sect. Uncifera.
21b. Stelidia along the lower margin without a tooth (sometimes with a backwards pointing tooth lower down, or teeth may be present between which the rostellum is situated) == 22.

22a. Median sepal 3-nerved; petals 3-nerved, or 1-nerved == Bulbophyllum sect. Macrouris.
22b. Median sepal 5-7-nerved; petals 3-5-nerved == 23.

23a. Median sepal 0.25 0.36 cm wide, index 3.6-5 == Bulbophyllum sect. Macrouris (Bulbophyllum dekockii).
23b. Median sepal 0.5-0.9 cm wide, index 1.5-2.6 == Bulbophyllum sect. Sestochilus (Bulbophyllum anceps).

24a. GROUP B. Rhizome erect to patent or pendulous == 25.
24b. Rhizome creeping == 29.

25a. Pseudobulbs minute compared to the size of the plant, entirely hidden by the rhizome scales == 26.
25b. Pseudobulbs well developed, not hidden == 28.

26a. Pollinia 4. Raceme c. 15-flowered, dense and globose == Bulbophyllum sect. Brachystachyae (Bulbophyllum salaccense).
26b. Pollinia 2. Raceme 2- to many-flowered, lax and elongate == 27.

27a. Basal node of the pedicel well above the floral bract attachment (1/3 the diameter of the pedicel or more) == Bulbophyllum sect. Imitatores (Bulbophyllum dichotomum).
27b. Basal node of the pedicel about level with the floral bract attachment == Bulbophyllum sect. Stachysanthes.

28a. Column in lateral view with the lower margin of the stigma protruding, or with a distinct tooth. Roots densely and coarsely papillose to rugulose == Bulbophyllum sect. Macrouris.
28b. Column in lateral view with the lower margin of the stigma not protruding. Roots glabrous, locally finely hirsute == Bulbophyllum sect. Imitatores (Bulbophyllum dichotomum).

29a. Raceme subumbellate (pedicel and ovary of the lowermost flower 2 X the length of the rachis or longer) == 30.
29b. Raceme elongate or congested (pedicel and ovary of the lowermost flower shorter than 2 X the length of the rachis) == 33.

30a. Petals (partly) ciliolate, ciliate, fimbriate or with paleae == Bulbophyllum sect. Cirrhopetalum.
30b. Petals with smooth margin or margin erose(-papillose) or irregularly denticulate == 31.

31a. Lateral sepals distinctly twisted near the base, so that upper margins are turned inwards, towards each other == 32.
31b. Lateral sepals not twisted near the base, or only slightly so == Bulbophyllum sect. Beccariana.

32a. Either lateral sepals coherent to connate along their upper margins; or lateral sepals free and leaves thick, without visible nerves when alive == Bulbophyllum sect. Brachyantha.
32b. Lateral sepals free; leaves thin, with dense, reticulate nerves visible when alive == Bulbophyllum sect. Beccariana

33a. Stelidia along the lower margin away from the base with a patent and downwardly directed, semi-elliptic tooth == 34.
33b. Stelidia along the lower margin very close to the base with a tooth near the base; or stelidia without a tooth along the lower margin == 35.

34a. Petals triangular == Bulbophyllum sect. Beccariana (Bulbophyllum anaclastum).
34b. Petals ovate to elliptic == Bulbophyllum sect. Uncifera.

35a. Either lip closed to the base with backwards pointing auricles; or margins of the petals denticulate, papillose, ciliate or ciliolate; or both character states present == 36.
35b. Lip without auricles or lobes, or lip 3-lobed with semicircular or semi-elliptic, patent or retrorse lateral lobes; margins of the petals entire, glabrous == 45.

36a. Lip near the base with auricles == Bulbophyllum sect. Phreatiopsis.
36b. Lip near the base without auricles or lobes == 37.

37a. Upper side of the lip with a median ridge near the base which widens into a triangular callus that forms a roof over the furrows bordering the ridge == Bulbophyllum sect. Phreatiopsis.
37b. Upper side of the lip without a basal ridge that widens into a callus == 38.

38a. Margins of the petals entire to denticulate, glabrous to papillose == 39.
38b. Margins of the petals ciliate or ciliolate == Bulbophyllum sect. Brachystachyae.

39a. Pseudobulbs inconspicuous, minute compared to the size of the plant == 40.
39b. Pseudobulbs well developed == 43.

40a. Pollinia 2 == Bulbophyllum sect. Stachysanthes.
40. Pollinia 4 == 41.

41a. Petals widest at or near the base and gradually tapering into a c. strap-shaped top part == Bulbophyllum sect. Altisceptrum.
41b. Petals elliptic to (ob-)ovate to triangular == 42.

42a. Flowers in a dense raceme, arranged in a regular pattern; or flowers in a lax raceme, with the lateral sepals held appressed to or parallel to the rachis ==Bulbophyllum sect. Brachystachyae.
42b. Flowers in a lax raceme, not arranged in a regular pattern, the lateral sepals not appressed to or parallel to the rachis == Bulbophyllum sect. Stachysanthes.

43a. Petals widest at the base or in the lower half, and gradually tapering into a c. linear top part ==Bulbophyllum sect. Altisceptrum.
43b. Petals elliptic to oblong to (ob-)ovate == 44.

44a. Petals with entire margins == Bulbophyllum sect. Brachystachyae.
44b. Petals with finely erose-denticulate margins == Bulbophyllum sect. Gongorodes.

45a. Median sepal 5-19-nerved, not fused to the lateral sepals == Bulbophyllum sect. Beccariana.
45b. Median sepal 3-nerved, or median sepal 5-nerved and fused to the lateral sepals == 46.

46a. Pseudobulbs inconspicuous, minute compared to the size of the plant == 47.
46b. Pseudobulbs well developed == 50.

47a. Pollinia 2 == Bulbophyllum sect. Stachysanthes.
47b. Pollinia 4 == 48.

48a. Petals widest at or near the base and gradually tapering into a c. strap-shaped top part == Bulbophyllum sect. Altisceptrum.
48b. Petals elliptic to (ob-)ovate to triangular == 49.

49a. Flowers in a dense raceme, arranged in a regular pattern, or flowers in a lax raceme, with the lateral sepals appressed to or parallel to the rachis ==Bulbophyllum sect. Brachystachyae.
49b. Flowers in a lax raceme, not arranged in a regular pattern, the lateral sepals not appressed to or parallel to the rachis == Bulbophyllum sect. Stachysanthes.

50a. Facing margins of the lateral sepals at the base adhering, or about parallel. Flowers not cleistogamous == 51.
50b. Facing margins of the lateral sepals at the base spreading. Flowers cleistogamous == 52.

51a. Pseudobulbs cylindrical, at most slightly widened at the base == Bulbophyllum sect. Beccariana.
51b. Pseudobulbs ovoid to ellipsoid == Bulbophyllum sect. Brachystachyae.

52a. Petals widest at or near the base and gradually tapering into a c. linear top part; or petals widest in the lower half, then abruptly narrowed into a drawn-out top half; or petals strap-shaped == Bulbophyllum sect. Altisceptrum.
52b. Petals elliptic to (ob-)ovate == == Bulbophyllum sect. Beccariana.

53a. Basal node of the pedicel well above the floral bract (1/3 the diameter of the pedicel or more). GROUP C. == 54a.
53b. Basal node of the pedicel about level with the floral bract. GROUP D. == 89

54a. Lip saccate over most of its length, with a subulate, recurved apex == Bulbophyllum sect. Pedilochilus.
54b. Lip saccate but without a subulate and recurved apex; or lip convex, partly concave. == 55.

55a. Margins of the petals with 1-24 appendages which differ in thickness and/or surface ornamentation from the petal itself== 56.
55b. Petal with appendages that are similar in thickness and/or surface ornamentation compared to the petal itself; or petal margins entire, denticulate, papillose, ciliate, or glabrous == 58.

56a. Median sepal connate to the lateral sepals for half of its length or more. Lateral sepals free along their lower margins == Bulbophyllum sect. Monosepalum.
56b. Sepals free; or all 3 sepals at the base for a short distance connate; or only the lateral sepals connate along their lower margins == 57.

57a. Sepals about equal in shape and size. Median sepal 0.5-1.85 cm long == Bulbophyllum sect. Epicrianthes.
57b. Median sepal different in shape and size compared to the lateral sepals, 2.5-14.5 cm long == Bulbophyllum sect. Hyalosema.

58a. Lip on the upper side near the base with a transverse ridge without a notch halfway; the lower surface of this ridge touches column foot (column foot and base of the lip often fused together) == Bulbophyllum sect. Codonosiphon.
58b. Lip on the upper side near the base with a transverse ridge which is notched halfway and does not touch the column foot; or lip without a transverse ridge == 59.

59a. Stelidia near the base along the lower margin with a distinct, downwards directed, rounded to obtuse tooth (the tooth protruding well below the level of the rostellum) == 60.
59b. Stelidia near the base along the lower margin without a tooth (sometimes with a backwards pointing tooth lower down, or teeth may be present between which the rostellum is situated) == 61.

60a. Anther with a deeply lacerated front margin == Bulbophyllum sect. Monanthaparva (Bulbophyllum tothastes ).
60b. Anther with an entire front margin == Bulbophyllum sect. Uncifera.

61a. Pollinia 4 (the inner pair may be minute and is best visible when the pollinia are separated) == 62.
61b. Pollinia 2 == 80.

62a. Petals 5-12-nerved == 63.
62b. Petals 1-3(-4)-nerved == 64.

63a. Flowers resupinate == Bulbophyllum sect. Sestochilus.
63b. Flowers not resupinate == Bulbophyllum sect == Stenochilus.

64a. Rhizome patent. Roots present on the basal part of the rhizome only, or growing backwards along the rhizome towards the substrate == 65.
64b. Rhizome creeping or straggling. Roots developing along most of the length of the rhizome or below most pseudobulbs, spreading in all directions over the substrate == 70.

65a. Column foot distinctly widening towards the apex, usually with two lateral teeth at the tip == 66.
65b. Column foot not or hardly widening towards the apex, without lateral teeth == 67.

66a. Pseudobulbs distinctly protruding from the rhizome scales. Rhizome near the base incorporated in the pseudobulb, leaving the latter halfway or beyond halfway == Bulbophyllum sect. Epibulbon.
66b. Pseudobulbs largely covered by rhizome scales, or well protruding from the rhizome scales. Rhizome near the base not incorporated in the pseudobulb == Bulbophyllum sect. Polymeres.

67a. Petals shorter than 1/10th of the length of the median sepal == Bulbophyllum sect. Peltopus (Bulbophyllum subapetalum).
67b. Petals longer than 1/10th of the length the median sepal == 68.

68a. Pedicel and ovary together 3.5 cm long or longer == Bulbophyllum sect. Papulipetalum (Bulbophyllum ellipticifolium).
68b. Pedicel and ovary together 1 cm long or shorter == 69.

69a. Pedicel longer than the ovary. Margins of the petals finely but distinctly erose-denticulate or entire and ciliate == Bulbophyllum sect. Piestobulbon.
69b. Pedicel shorter than the ovary. Margins of the petals entire or only near the base erose == Bulbophyllum sect. Pelma.

70a. Stelidia rudimentary, (partly) included in the distinctly projecting rostellum, sometimes only visible as a thickenings on its side == 71.
70b. Stelidia distinct although sometimes short; rostellum in front receding between the stelidia apices or level with these, or only slightly projecting == 72.

71a. Petals shorter than 1/4th the length of the median sepal. Column foot with a distinct swelling towards the apex; this callus fits in a cavity on the upper surface of the lip near the base; or both characters present == Bulbophyllum sect. Peltopus.
71b. Petals 1/4th the length of the median sepal or longer. Column foot not swollen into a callus near the apex. Lip without a cavity on the on the upper surface near the base == Bulbophyllum sect. Minutissima.

72a. Column foot distinctly widening towards the apex and usually with two lateral teeth at the apex == 74.
72b. Column foot tapering towards the apex or only slightly widening towards the apex, without lateral teeth == 82.

73a. Petals near the base (partly) fused to the column; or stelidia narrowly oblong and obtuse; or both characters present == Bulbophyllum sect. Brachypus.
73b. Petals not fused to the column. Stelidia deltoid to triangular to subulate, more or less acute == Bulbophyllum sect. Polymeres.

74a. Petals near the base fused to the column == Bulbophyllum sect. Brachypus.
74b. Petals not fused to the column == 75.

75a. Median sepal 3.5-14.5 cm long == Bulbophyllum sect. Hyalosema.
75b. Median sepal 0.15-2 cm long == 76.

76a. Apex of the stelidia about level with the front margin of the rostellum, or nearly so == Bulbophyllum sect. Minutissima.
76b. Apex of the stelidia projecting well beyond the rostellum margin == 77.

77a. Pseudobulbs distant, at least some of the rhizome sections between the pseudobulbs longer than the adjacent pseudobulbs == 78.
77b. Pseudobulbs in clusters, all rhizome sections between the pseudobulbs shorter than the adjacent pseudobulbs == 79.

78a. Margins of the median sepal glabrous to minutely papillose == Bulbophyllum sect. Monanthaparva.
78b. Margins of the median sepal ciliate == Bulbophyllum sect. Papulipetalum.

79a. Margins of the petals papillose, glandular or distinctly, deeply and finely erose; or stelidia near the base glandulose; or both characters present == Bulbophyllum sect. Papulipetalum.
79b. Margins of the petals about entire or slightly, shallowly and coarsely erose; stelidia not glandulose
== Bulbophyllum sect. Monanthaparva.

80a. Column foot distinctly widening towards the apex, usually with two lateral teeth at the apex == 81.
80b. Column foot not or hardly widening towards the apex (sometimes widened more near the base and tapering towards the apex), without teeth == 83.

81a. Column foot deeply concave near the base == Bulbophyllum sect. Tapeinoglossum.
81b. Column foot flat or convex near the base == 82.

82a. Rhizome fused to the pseudobulb, leaving the latter at or beyond halfway its length. Pseudobulbs protruding from the rhizome scales; == Bulbophyllum sect. Epibulbon.
82b. Rhizome not fused to the pseudobulb. Pseudobulbs largely covered by the rhizome scales or not == Bulbophyllum sect. Polymeres.

83a. Median sepal distinctly and often sharply conduplicate towards the apex == Bulbophyllum sect. Hoplandra.
83b. Median sepal not or hardly conduplicate towards the apex == 84.

84a. Pseudobulbs seemingly absent or minute, not or hardly thicker than the rhizome == 85.
84b. Pseudobulbs well developed compared to the size of the plant, distinctly thicker than the rhizome == 86.

85a. Column in lateral view with the lower margin of the stigma protruding, or with a distinct tooth. Roots densely and coarsely papillose to rugulose to verrucose == Bulbophyllum sect. Macrouris.
85b. Column in lateral view with the lower margin of the stigma not protruding. Roots glabrous, locally finely hirsute == Bulbophyllum sect. Imitatores (Bulbophyllum glaucum).

86a. Apices of the stelidia about level with the front margin of the rostellum, or only slightly longer or slightly shorter == Bulbophyllum sect. Minutissima.
86b. Apices of the stelidia projecting distinctly beyond the front margin of the rostellum == 87.

87a. Margins of the petals about entire or slightly, shallowly and coarsely erose, glabrous or with 3-9 caudate appendages == 88.
87b. Margins of the petals papillose, glandular or distinctly, deeply and finely erose, without appendages == Bulbophyllum sect. Papulipetalum.

88a. Petals with 3-9 caudate appendages; or petals triangular and the lip on upper side with ridges near the base == Bulbophyllum sect. Schistopetalum.
88b. Petals without caudate appendages, (ob-)ovate to elliptic to spatulate to wedge-shaped; or petals triangular and the lip on upper side without ridges near the base == Bulbophyllum sect. Monanthaparva.

89a. GROUP D. Floral bracts distinctly tubular near the base == Bulbophyllum sect. Monanthes.
89b. Floral bracts not tubular (but sometimes amplexicaul, with the base of the leaf attached all around the rachis) == 90.

90a. Sepals 3- or 5-nerved; median sepal connate to the lateral sepals == Bulbophyllum sect. Stachysanthes.
90b. Sepals 5-19-nerved; median sepal not connate to the lateral sepals == Bulbophyllum sect. Beccariana.

Genus Bulbophyllum in New Guinea:contains 634 species and 17 subspecies and varieties:

Bulbophyllum ablepharon
Bulbophyllum absconditum
Bulbophyllum absconditum subsp. hastula
Bulbophyllum acanthoglossum
Bulbophyllum acropogon
Bulbophyllum acutilingue
Bulbophyllum adenoblepharon
Bulbophyllum adolinae
Bulbophyllum adolphii
Bulbophyllum aechmophorum
Bulbophyllum aemulum
Bulbophyllum agastor
Bulbophyllum alabastraceum
Bulbophyllum algidum
Bulbophyllum alkmaarense
Bulbophyllum alpinum
Bulbophyllum alticaule
Bulbophyllum alticola
Bulbophyllum alveatum
Bulbophyllum amblyacron
Bulbophyllum amblyanthum
Bulbophyllum andreeae
Bulbophyllum anjae
Bulbophyllum ankylochele
Bulbophyllum ankylorhinon
Bulbophyllum antennatum
Bulbophyllum aphanopetalum
Bulbophyllum apiculatum
Bulbophyllum apodum
Bulbophyllum araiophyllum
Bulbophyllum arfakense
Bulbophyllum arfakianum
Bulbophyllum argoxanthum
Bulbophyllum aristilabre
Bulbophyllum arminii
Bulbophyllum arsoanum
Bulbophyllum artostigma
Bulbophyllum ascochilum
Bulbophyllum asperilingue
Bulbophyllum aspersum
Bulbophyllum atrolabium
Bulbophyllum atrorubens
Bulbophyllum atroviride
Bulbophyllum aundense
Bulbophyllum aureoapex
Bulbophyllum aureobrunneum
Bulbophyllum bacilliferum
Bulbophyllum baculiferum
Bulbophyllum baileyi
Bulbophyllum balgooiji
Bulbophyllum bandischii
Bulbophyllum barbavagabundum
Bulbophyllum betchei
Bulbophyllum biantennatum
Bulbophyllum bicaudatum
Bulbophyllum bigibbosum
Bulbophyllum bigibbum
Bulbophyllum bisepalum
Bulbophyllum biserratum
Bulbophyllum bismarckense
Bulbophyllum blepharicardium
Bulbophyllum blepharopetalum
Bulbophyllum bliteum
Bulbophyllum bombycinum
Bulbophyllum brachiatum
Bulbophyllum brachychilum
Bulbophyllum brachypetalum
Bulbophyllum brachypus
Bulbophyllum brassii
Bulbophyllum breve
Bulbophyllum brevilabium
Bulbophyllum bulhartii
Bulbophyllum bulliferum
Bulbophyllum calceilabium
Bulbophyllum callichroma
Bulbophyllum callipes
Bulbophyllum caloglossum
Bulbophyllum calviventer
Bulbophyllum campanuliflorum
Bulbophyllum campylopetalum
Bulbophyllum caputgnomonis
Bulbophyllum cardiophyllum
Bulbophyllum cateorum
Bulbophyllum catillus
Bulbophyllum caudipetalum
Bulbophyllum cavibulbum
Bulbophyllum centrosemiflorum
Bulbophyllum cerambyx
Bulbophyllum cerinum
Bulbophyllum chaetostroma
Bulbophyllum chalcochloron
Bulbophyllum chaunobulbon
Bulbophyllum championii
Bulbophyllum chimaera
Bulbophyllum chionanthum
Bulbophyllum chloranthum
Bulbophyllum chlorolirion
Bulbophyllum chlororhopalon
Bulbophyllum chrysanthum
Bulbophyllum chrysochilum
Bulbophyllum chrysoglossum
Bulbophyllum chrysotes
Bulbophyllum chthonochroma
Bulbophyllum ciliipetalum
Bulbophyllum ciliolatum
Bulbophyllum cimicinum
Bulbophyllum citrellum
Bulbophyllum citrinilabre
Bulbophyllum clandestinum
Bulbophyllum clemensiorum
Bulbophyllum cochlioides
Bulbophyllum codonanthum
Bulbophyllum coiloglossum
Bulbophyllum colliferum
Bulbophyllum collinum
Bulbophyllum coloratum
Bulbophyllum commissibulbum
Bulbophyllum compressilabellatum
Bulbophyllum concavibasalis
Bulbophyllum conchophyllum
Bulbophyllum concolor
Bulbophyllum condensatum
Bulbophyllum conspersum
Bulbophyllum contortisepalum
Bulbophyllum corrugatum
Bulbophyllum crenilabium
Bulbophyllum crocodilus
Bulbophyllum cruciatum
Bulbophyllum cruentum
Bulbophyllum cruttwellii
Bulbophyllum cryptanthoides
Bulbophyllum cryptanthum
Bulbophyllum culex
Bulbophyllum cuniculiforme
Bulbophyllum curvicaule
Bulbophyllum cyatheicola
Bulbophyllum cycloglossum
Bulbophyllum cyclopense
Bulbophyllum cyclophyllum
Bulbophyllum cylindrobulbum
Bulbophyllum cyrtophyllum
Bulbophyllum dawongense
Bulbophyllum debruynii
Bulbophyllum decarhopalon
Bulbophyllum decumbens
Bulbophyllum decurvulum
Bulbophyllum dekockii
Bulbophyllum dendrobioides
Bulbophyllum dendrochiloides
Bulbophyllum densibulbum
Bulbophyllum densifolium
Bulbophyllum dependens
Bulbophyllum desmotrichoides
Bulbophyllum deuterodischorense
Bulbophyllum dichaeoides
Bulbophyllum dichilus
Bulbophyllum dichotomum
Bulbophyllum dictyoneuron
Bulbophyllum digitatum
Bulbophyllum digoelense
Bulbophyllum dijkstalianum
Bulbophyllum diplohelix
Bulbophyllum dischidiifolium
Bulbophyllum dischorense
Bulbophyllum discolor
Bulbophyllum discolor subsp. cubitale
Bulbophyllum distichum
Bulbophyllum divergens
Bulbophyllum djamuense
Bulbophyllum dolichoglottis
Bulbophyllum dolichopus
Bulbophyllum drepananthum
Bulbophyllum drepanosepalum
Bulbophyllum dryadum
Bulbophyllum dschischungarense
Bulbophyllum eciliatum
Bulbophyllum elasmatopus
Bulbophyllum elegantius
Bulbophyllum elephantinum
Bulbophyllum ellipticifolium
Bulbophyllum ellipticum
Bulbophyllum elodeiflorum
Bulbophyllum elongatum
Bulbophyllum endotrachys
Bulbophyllum entomonopsis
Bulbophyllum epapillosum
Bulbophyllum epibulbon
Bulbophyllum erinaceum
Bulbophyllum erioides
Bulbophyllum erythrokyle
Bulbophyllum erythrosema
Bulbophyllum erythrostictum
Bulbophyllum eutoreton
Bulbophyllum exasperatum
Bulbophyllum exiguiflorum
Bulbophyllum exilipes
Bulbophyllum falcatocaudatum
Bulbophyllum falcibracteum
Bulbophyllum falciferum
Bulbophyllum falcifolium
Bulbophyllum fallacinum
Bulbophyllum fasciatum
Bulbophyllum fasciculatum
Bulbophyllum fasciculiferum
Bulbophyllum fibrinum
Bulbophyllum fibristectum
Bulbophyllum filamentosum
Bulbophyllum filicaule
Bulbophyllum finisterrae
Bulbophyllum fissipetalum
Bulbophyllum flagellare
Bulbophyllum flavicolor
Bulbophyllum flavum
Bulbophyllum fletcherianum
Bulbophyllum flexuosum
Bulbophyllum floribundum
Bulbophyllum foetidilabrum
Bulbophyllum foetidum
Bulbophyllum foetidum var. grandiflorum
Bulbophyllum folliculiferum
Bulbophyllum fonsflorum
Bulbophyllum fractiflexum
Bulbophyllum fritillariiflorum
Bulbophyllum frustrans
Bulbophyllum fruticicola
Bulbophyllum fruticulum
Bulbophyllum fuscatum
Bulbophyllum fusciflorum
Bulbophyllum futile
Bulbophyllum galactanthum
Bulbophyllum galliaheneum
Bulbophyllum gautierense
Bulbophyllum geniculiferum
Bulbophyllum gerlandianum
Bulbophyllum giriwoense
Bulbophyllum gjellerupii
Bulbophyllum glabrum
Bulbophyllum glanduliferum
Bulbophyllum glaucum
Bulbophyllum globiceps
Bulbophyllum globulosum
Bulbophyllum gobiense
Bulbophyllum goliathense
Bulbophyllum gracilicaule
Bulbophyllum graciliscapum
Bulbophyllum gracillimum
Bulbophyllum gramineum
Bulbophyllum grammopoma
Bulbophyllum grandiflorum
Bulbophyllum grandifolium
Bulbophyllum graveolens
Bulbophyllum gunteri
Bulbophyllum guttatum
Bulbophyllum gyaloglossum
Bulbophyllum hahlianum
Bulbophyllum hamadryas
Bulbophyllum hansmeyeri
Bulbophyllum hapalocodon
Bulbophyllum hellwigianum
Bulbophyllum hengstumianum
Bulbophyllum hermonii
Bulbophyllum heteroblepharon
Bulbophyllum heterorhopalon
Bulbophyllum heterosepalum
Bulbophyllum hexurum
Bulbophyllum hians
Bulbophyllum hians var. alticola
Bulbophyllum hiljeae
Bulbophyllum himantosepalum
Bulbophyllum hirudiniferum
Bulbophyllum hollandianum
Bulbophyllum holochilum
Bulbophyllum hornense
Bulbophyllum hortorum
Bulbophyllum howcroftii
Bulbophyllum hoyifolium
Bulbophyllum humile
Bulbophyllum hymenobracteum
Bulbophyllum hystricinum
Bulbophyllum ialibuense
Bulbophyllum ichthyosme
Bulbophyllum icteranthum
Bulbophyllum idenburgense
Bulbophyllum ignobile
Bulbophyllum imbricans
Bulbophyllum imitator
Bulbophyllum inaequisepalum
Bulbophyllum inauditum
Bulbophyllum inciferum
Bulbophyllum inclinatum
Bulbophyllum incumbens
Bulbophyllum infundibuliforme
Bulbophyllum inquirendum
Bulbophyllum intersitum
Bulbophyllum intonsum
Bulbophyllum inversum
Bulbophyllum irianae
Bulbophyllum ischnopus
Bulbophyllum ischnopus var. rhodoneuron
Bulbophyllum johannuli
Bulbophyllum kaniense
Bulbophyllum katjae
Bulbophyllum kauloense
Bulbophyllum kelelense
Bulbophyllum kempfii
Bulbophyllum kenae
Bulbophyllum kenejianum
Bulbophyllum kermesinostriatum
Bulbophyllum kermesinum
Bulbophyllum korimense
Bulbophyllum lagaroglossum
Bulbophyllum lagaropetalum
Bulbophyllum lagarophyllum
Bulbophyllum lamelluliferum
Bulbophyllum lamii
Bulbophyllum latibrachiatum
Bulbophyllum latibrachiatum var. epilosum
Bulbophyllum latipes
Bulbophyllum laxum
Bulbophyllum lemnifolium
Bulbophyllum leontoglossum
Bulbophyllum lepanthiflorum
Bulbophyllum leptobulbon
Bulbophyllum leptoleucum
Bulbophyllum leptophyllum
Bulbophyllum leptotriche
Bulbophyllum leptopus
Bulbophyllum leptotriche
Bulbophyllum leucoglossum
Bulbophyllum leucorhodum
Bulbophyllum leucothyrsus
Bulbophyllum levatii subsp. mischanthum
Bulbophyllum leve
Bulbophyllum levyae
Bulbophyllum lichenoides
Bulbophyllum ligulatum
Bulbophyllum ligulifolium
Bulbophyllum lineariflorum
Bulbophyllum linearilabium
Bulbophyllum lineolatum
Bulbophyllum lissogaster
Bulbophyllum lonchophyllum
Bulbophyllum longicaudatum
Bulbophyllum longiflorum
Bulbophyllum longilabre
Bulbophyllum longipedicellatum
Bulbophyllum longipedicellatum var. gjellerupii
Bulbophyllum longirostre
Bulbophyllum longisepalum
Bulbophyllum lophoton
Bulbophyllum lorentzianum
Bulbophyllum louisiadum
Bulbophyllum loxophyllum
Bulbophyllum luteum
Bulbophyllum lyriforme
Bulbophyllum maboroense
Bulbophyllum macilentum
Bulbophyllum macneiceae
Bulbophyllum macranthoides
Bulbophyllum macranthum
Bulbophyllum macrobulbum
Bulbophyllum macrorrhinum
Bulbophyllum macrorhopalon
Bulbophyllum macrourum
Bulbophyllum maculiflorum
Bulbophyllum magnussonianum
Bulbophyllum maijenense
Bulbophyllum major
Bulbophyllum mamberamense
Bulbophyllum manobulbum
Bulbophyllum marginatum
Bulbophyllum masonii
Bulbophyllum mattesii
Bulbophyllum maxillare
Bulbophyllum maxillarioides
Bulbophyllum mayrii
Bulbophyllum melilotus
Bulbophyllum melinanthum
Bulbophyllum melinoglossum
Bulbophyllum membranaceum
Bulbophyllum mesodon
Bulbophyllum microblepharon
Bulbophyllum microbulbon
Bulbophyllum microcala
Bulbophyllum microdendron
Bulbophyllum microlabium
Bulbophyllum microrhombos
Bulbophyllum microsphaerum
Bulbophyllum microtes
Bulbophyllum microthamnus
Bulbophyllum mimiense
Bulbophyllum minutibulbum
Bulbophyllum minutipetalum
Bulbophyllum mischobulbon
Bulbophyllum monosema
Bulbophyllum montanum
Bulbophyllum montisdischorense
Bulbophyllum mulderae
Bulbophyllum muricatum
Bulbophyllum muriceum
Bulbophyllum myodes
Bulbophyllum myolaense
Bulbophyllum myon
Bulbophyllum myrtillus
Bulbophyllum mystax
Bulbophyllum mystrochilum
Bulbophyllum mystrophyllum
Bulbophyllum nannodes
Bulbophyllum nasica
Bulbophyllum nasilabium
Bulbophyllum navicula
Bulbophyllum nebularum
Bulbophyllum nematorhizis
Bulbophyllum nemorale
Bulbophyllum neoguineense
Bulbophyllum neopommeranicum
Bulbophyllum neotorricellense
Bulbophyllum nephropetalum
Bulbophyllum nigrilabium
Bulbophyllum nitidum
Bulbophyllum nocturnum
Bulbophyllum novaehiberniae
Bulbophyllum nummularioides
Bulbophyllum obovatifolium
Bulbophyllum obovatum
Bulbophyllum obyrnei
Bulbophyllum ochroleucum
Bulbophyllum ochthochilum
Bulbophyllum octarrhenipetalum
Bulbophyllum odontoglossum
Bulbophyllum odontopetalum
Bulbophyllum odontostigma
Bulbophyllum oliganthum
Bulbophyllum oligochaete
Bulbophyllum olivinum
Bulbophyllum olivinum subsp. linguiferum
Bulbophyllum olorinum
Bulbophyllum oobulbum
Bulbophyllum orbiculare
Bulbophyllum orbiculare subsp. cassideum
Bulbophyllum oreocharis
Bulbophyllum oreodoxa
Bulbophyllum oreogenum
Bulbophyllum oreomene
Bulbophyllum origami
Bulbophyllum ornatum
Bulbophyllum orohense
Bulbophyllum orsidice
Bulbophyllum ortalis
Bulbophyllum orthosepalum
Bulbophyllum oxyanthum
Bulbophyllum pachyacris
Bulbophyllum pachyglossum
Bulbophyllum pachytelos
Bulbophyllum palleucum
Bulbophyllum papilio
Bulbophyllum papuanum
Bulbophyllum papuaense
Bulbophyllum papuliglossum
Bulbophyllum papulipetalum
Bulbophyllum parabates
Bulbophyllum pardalinum
Bulbophyllum patella
Bulbophyllum paucisetum
Bulbophyllum paululum
Bulbophyllum pedilochilus
Bulbophyllum peltopus
Bulbophyllum pemae
Bulbophyllum pendens
Bulbophyllum perexiguum
Bulbophyllum perforans
Bulbophyllum petioliferum
Bulbophyllum petrophilum
Bulbophyllum phaeoglossum
Bulbophyllum phaeorhabdos
Bulbophyllum phalaenopsis
Bulbophyllum phormion
Bulbophyllum phreatiopse
Bulbophyllum phymatum
Bulbophyllum pidacanthum
Bulbophyllum piestobulbon
Bulbophyllum piliferum
Bulbophyllum pisibulbum
Bulbophyllum piundaundense
Bulbophyllum plagiatum
Bulbophyllum plagiopetalum
Bulbophyllum planiplexum
Bulbophyllum planitiae
Bulbophyllum plicatum
Bulbophyllum plumula
Bulbophyllum polyblepharon
Bulbophyllum polyphyllum
Bulbophyllum posticum
Bulbophyllum potamophilum
Bulbophyllum pristis
Bulbophyllum pseudofilicaule
Bulbophyllum pseudoserrulatum
Bulbophyllum pseudotrias
Bulbophyllum psilorhopalon
Bulbophyllum psychrophilum
Bulbophyllum pterodon
Bulbophyllum ptilotes
Bulbophyllum ptychantyx
Bulbophyllum ptychostigma
Bulbophyllum pulvinatum
Bulbophyllum punamense
Bulbophyllum pungens
Bulbophyllum pungens var. pachyphyllum
Bulbophyllum purpurellum
Bulbophyllum pyroglossum
Bulbophyllum quadrangulare
Bulbophyllum quadricaudatum
Bulbophyllum quadrichaete
Bulbophyllum quadrifalciculatum
Bulbophyllum quadrisubulatum
Bulbophyllum quasimodo
Bulbophyllum quinquelobum
Bulbophyllum quinquelobum var. lancilabium
Bulbophyllum ramulicola
Bulbophyllum rarum
Bulbophyllum rectilabre
Bulbophyllum reevei
Bulbophyllum reifii
Bulbophyllum renipetalum
Bulbophyllum restrepia
Bulbophyllum rhodoglossum
Bulbophyllum rhodoleucum
Bulbophyllum rhomboglossum
Bulbophyllum rhopaloblepharon
Bulbophyllum rhopalophorum
Bulbophyllum rigidipes
Bulbophyllum rinkei
Bulbophyllum riparium
Bulbophyllum rivulare
Bulbophyllum roseopunctatum
Bulbophyllum rubipetalum
Bulbophyllum rubrolineatum
Bulbophyllum rubromaculatum
Bulbophyllum rugulosum
Bulbophyllum saccolabioides
Bulbophyllum saccoglossum
Bulbophyllum samoanum
Bulbophyllum sannio
Bulbophyllum sarawaketense
Bulbophyllum sarcodanthum
Bulbophyllum sauguetiense
Bulbophyllum savaiense subsp. gorumense
Bulbophyllum savaiense subsp. subcubicum
Bulbophyllum sawiense
Bulbophyllum scaphioglossum
Bulbophyllum scaphosepalum
Bulbophyllum sceliphron
Bulbophyllum schistopetalum
Bulbophyllum schizodon
Bulbophyllum schizopetalum
Bulbophyllum schmidii
Bulbophyllum schuitemanii
Bulbophyllum scopa
Bulbophyllum scopula
Bulbophyllum scorpio
Bulbophyllum scrobiculilabre
Bulbophyllum scutiferum
Bulbophyllum scyphochilus
Bulbophyllum semiasperum
Bulbophyllum semiteres
Bulbophyllum sepikense
Bulbophyllum septemtrionale
Bulbophyllum serra
Bulbophyllum serripetalum
Bulbophyllum serrulatifolium
Bulbophyllum serrulatum
Bulbophyllum sharoniae
Bulbophyllum simile
Bulbophyllum sinapis
Bulbophyllum singulare
Bulbophyllum singuliflorum
Bulbophyllum smileiphyllum
Bulbophyllum spaniostagon
Bulbophyllum spathilingue
Bulbophyllum spathipetalum
Bulbophyllum speciosum
Bulbophyllum sphaenopus
Bulbophyllum sphaeracron
Bulbophyllum spongiola
Bulbophyllum stabile
Bulbophyllum staetophyton
Bulbophyllum stalagmotelos
Bulbophyllum stellula
Bulbophyllum stemonochilum
Bulbophyllum stenochilum
Bulbophyllum stenophyton
Bulbophyllum stenorhopalos
Bulbophyllum stictanthum
Bulbophyllum stictosepalum
Bulbophyllum stipulaceum
Bulbophyllum stockeri
Bulbophyllum stolleanum
Bulbophyllum subapetalum
Bulbophyllum subpatulum
Bulbophyllum subtrilobatum
Bulbophyllum subulifolium
Bulbophyllum takeuchii
Bulbophyllum tanystiche
Bulbophyllum tapeinophyton
Bulbophyllum tarantula
Bulbophyllum tectipetalum
Bulbophyllum teinophyllum
Bulbophyllum tentaculatum
Bulbophyllum tentaculiferum
Bulbophyllum tenue
Bulbophyllum tenuipes
Bulbophyllum teretilabre
Bulbophyllum terrestre
Bulbophyllum theiochroma
Bulbophyllum theioglossum
Bulbophyllum thelantyx
Bulbophyllum thersites
Bulbophyllum thrixspermiflorum
Bulbophyllum thrixspermoides
Bulbophyllum tindemansianum
Bulbophyllum tinekeae
Bulbophyllum tollenoniferum
Bulbophyllum toranum
Bulbophyllum torquatum
Bulbophyllum torricellense
Bulbophyllum tortum
Bulbophyllum tortuosum
Bulbophyllum trachyanthum
Bulbophyllum trachybracteum
Bulbophyllum trachyglossum
Bulbophyllum trachypus
Bulbophyllum triaristella
Bulbophyllum tricanaliferum
Bulbophyllum tricaudatum
Bulbophyllum trichaete
Bulbophyllum trichromum
Bulbophyllum triclavigerum
Bulbophyllum trifilum
Bulbophyllum trifilum subsp. filisepalum
Bulbophyllum trigonidioides
Bulbophyllum trigonocarpum
Bulbophyllum trinervium
Bulbophyllum trirhopalon
Bulbophyllum tristelidium
Bulbophyllum trutiniferum
Bulbophyllum tumoriferum
Bulbophyllum undatilabre
Bulbophyllum unguilabium
Bulbophyllum unicaudatum
Bulbophyllum unicaudatum var. xanthosphaerum
Bulbophyllum unitubum
Bulbophyllum uroglossum
Bulbophyllum urosepalum
Bulbophyllum ustusfortiter
Bulbophyllum vaccinioides
Bulbophyllum vanroyenii
Bulbophyllum variculosum
Bulbophyllum veldkampii
Bulbophyllum verruciferum
Bulbophyllum verrucosum
Bulbophyllum verruciferum var. carinatisepalum
Bulbophyllum verruculatum
Bulbophyllum versteegii
Bulbophyllum vexillarium
Bulbophyllum virescens
Bulbophyllum wakoi
Bulbophyllum warianum
Bulbophyllum wechsbergii
Bulbophyllum werneri
Bulbophyllum wollastonii
Bulbophyllum xanthoacron
Bulbophyllum xanthochlamys
Bulbophyllum xanthophaeum
Bulbophyllum xanthornis
Bulbophyllum xanthotes
Bulbophyllum xyphoglossum
Bulbophyllum yumtei
Bulbophyllum zebrinum
Bulbophyllum zophyranthum
Bulbophyllum zygochilum

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Genus Bulbophyllum

Overview picture of Bulbophyllum tindemansianum J.J.Verm., de Vogel & A.Vogel, holotype, plant habit, photo E.F. de Vogel, Leiden cult. 20081503