1. LOCATION 4°10' - 4°16' S 35°46'- 35°52'E
    3Km from Babati. Acces is directly from Babati or from the Babati to Galappo road which runs along the southern edge of the FR. The reserve 
    covers a flat topped mountain to the east of Babati and north of Haraa and Bereku FRs with an altitudinal range of 1310 to 2415 m on the peak of
    kwaraha. To the north and east are dry cultivated plains with more hilly country in the south and west.

    Oceanic rainfall with continental temperatures. Estimates rainfall: 1000 - 1200 mm/year over forest: 750 - 1000 mm/year over woodland; with 
    marked mist effect over forested areas and limited mist efffect on woodland and thicked. Dry season: Jun - Oct. estimated temperatures: 
    21°C max ( Nov), 16.5°C min ( Jul.).

    The lower slopes are covered by dense secondary thicket and scrub up to 1750 m with forest in the valleys and woodland on rocky soils. Stunted
    woodland and open grassland occur in rocky areas with forest clumps at higher altitudes. Dry montane forest cover the upper slopes above 1750m.
    Fire and have played a role in modifying the vegetation of the lower slopes.

3.1 Woodland and thicket:
      Thicket 2 - 3 m tall the : Allophylus, Clausena, Dadonea, Euclea, Grewia, Hoslundia, Phyllanthus, and trees 5 - 8 m tall with Acacia, Combretum
      molle, Croton macrostachyus, Dombeya rotundifolia, Kigelia, Markhamia obtusifokia, Vitex. Riverine trees include Garcinia, Ficus, Kiggelaria
      africana, Rauvolfia caffra, Ziziphus. At 1500m Brachystagia microphylla occurs with a more open woodland of 3m tall Acacia karoo, Carrisa
      edulis, Combretum molle, Dodonea, Dombeya rotundifolia, Erythrina abyssinica, Faurea saligna, Hetermorpha, Osyris; and tree clumps 5 - 8 m
      tall with Bridelia micrantha, maesa, prunus, rhus.

3.2 Dry montane forest:
      Canopy broken, much disturbed, 15 - 25 m tall with Calpurnia aurea thickets. Trees include: Albizia gummifera, bersama abyssinica, Calodendron
      capense, Cassipourea malosana, Cath edulis, Cordia abyssinica, Croton macrostachyus. Dispyros natalensis, Dombeya torrida, Ekebergia,
      Fagaropsis, Olea capensis, Olea chrysophylla, Prunuss Rauvolfia caffra.

    The forest have suitable routes to the summit and an area around the summit lake. Along the routes, campsites have already identified. Babati
     Township is bordering to the reserve on the west.