BROMUS biebersteinii (Meadow brome)

Formerly Bromopsis biebersteinii. Cool season, perennial open sod-former with short rhizomes. Adapted to most sites where water is adequate but performs best on moderately deep, well-drained moist soils. Long-lived and very winter hardy. Primarily used as a pasture component in grass and grass-legume mixtures. Spring green-up is 2-3 weeks earlier than other common pasture grasses. Excellent year-round forage. Use in dryland pastures in areas receiving greater than 14 in. of annual precipitation. Varieties listed below.


Bromopsis biebersteinii (Meadow brome) map.png


Family: Poaceae

Duration: Perennial

Growth Habit: Graminoid

Native Status: Introduced

Season: Cool

Growth Form: Bunchgrass

Mature Height:  in.

Annual Precipitation: 48 in.

Drought Tolerance: Medium

Shade Tolerance: Intolerant


Wetland Indicator Status:

Fire Resistance: No

Fire Tolerance: High


Coarse Texture: Yes

Medium Texture: Yes

Fine Texture: Yes

Salinity Tolerance: Low

CaCO3 Tolerance: Low

pH Range: 5.7-8.5


Seeds per Pound: 86,800

Seeding Rate:  PLS lbs/acre

Season: Spring/Fall

Days to Germination:


Cache - Enhanced seedling establishment and increased yields on both irrigated and semi-irrigated pastures in the western U.S. Improved forage production under drought. (Released 2004, origin: Regar, Fleet and Paddock varieties)

High West - Developed from populations with increased crude protein content and forage yield. Use on both irrigated and semi-irrigated hayfields and pastures in the western U.S. (Released 2017)

Macbeth - Similar in forage production to Fleet, Paddock and Regar, but with significantly higher seed yields. (Released 2001, origin: MT)

Paddock - Slightly more resistant to silver top than Regar. Similar pasture and hay yields to Fleet and Regar; seed yields are slightly lower than Fleet. Good vigor and winter hardiness. (Released 1987, origin: Krasnador, former USSR)