[False Dandelions and Cat's-ears: The Genus Hypochaeris in the Columbia River Gorge of Oregon and Washington]

False Dandelion, Smooth Cat's-ear

Hypochaeris glabra

False Dandelion, Smooth Cat's-ear: Hypochaeris glabra

Smooth cat's-ear as seen at Catherine Creek in the central Columbia River Gorge where covers much of the ground.........May 1, 2010.

Dorsal surface of a basal leaf of False Dandelion, Smooth Cat's-ear: Hypochaeris glabra - Ventral surface of a basal leaf of False Dandelion, Smooth Cat's-ear: Hypochaeris glabra - Involucral bracts of False Dandelion, Smooth Cat's-ear: Hypochaeris glabra - False Dandelion, Smooth Cat's-ear: Hypochaeris glabra

Additional photos of smooth cat's-ear as seen at Catherine Creek.........May 1, 2010. The upper leaf surface is seen at upper left, lower leaf surface at upper center, and the involucral bracts and underside of the ray flowers are seen at upper right.

False Dandelion, Smooth Cat's-ear: Hypochaeris glabra

Smooth cat's-ear at Catherine Creek, Columbia River Gorge............May 2, 2014. This invasive species has spread widely at this location and many others in the Gorge.

Paul Slichter