[The Rose Family in the Columbia River Gorge of Oregon and Washington]

Avens of the Columbia River Gorge of Oregon and Washington

The Genus Geum

Largeleaf Avens, Large-leaf Avens, Oregon Avens: Geum macrophyllum var. macrophyllum (Synonym: Geum macrophyllum ssp. macrophyllum)

Large-leaf avens: Geum macrophyllum

Bigleaf Avens, Largeleaf Avens, Largeleaved Avens, Large-leaf Avens, Oregon Avens: Geum macrophyllum (Synonym: Geum macrophyllum ssp. macrophyllum, Geum macrophyllum ssp. perincisum, Geum macrophyllum var. macrophyllum, Geum macrophyllum var. rydbergii, Geum oregonense, Geum perincisum, Geum perincisum var. intermedium) - This is the current taxonomy for this species. I've left the varietal divisions since they can both be identified as such, though the varieties are not currently recognized.

Largeleaf Avens, Large-leaf Avens, Oregon Avens: Geum macrophyllum var. macrophyllum (Synonym: Geum macrophyllum ssp. macrophyllum) - Yellow flowers (the yellow is duller than the shiny yellow of buttercups) with 5 petals. Palmate, simple leaves are deeply parted into 3 lobes. Plant to 2 feet tall.

Largeleaf Avens, Large-leaf Avens, Largeleaved Avens: Geum macrophyllum var. perincisum (Synonyms: Geum macrophyllum ssp. perincisum, Geum macrophyllum var. rydbergii, Geum oregonense, Geum perincisum, Geum perincisum var. intermedium) -

Old Man's Whiskers, Prairie Smoke, Red Avens: Geum triflorum var. ciliatum (Synonyms: Erythrocoma ciliata, Geum canescens, Geum ciliatum, Geum triflorum var. canescens, Sieversia canescens, Sieversia ciliata) - Note: This taxon is currently recognized as Geum triflorum in Washington. Attractive perennial with most of the leaves in a basal rosette. The stems rise 1/2-2 feet in height. The basal leaves are pinnately compound with narrowly cleft or dissected leaflets. The 3-5 flowers appear as 3-5 nodding bells of red sepals. In bloom the flowers become erect and have yellowish flowers.

Herb-bennet: Geum urbanum - Non-native, naturalized.

Paul Slichter E-mail