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Flora Emslandia - Plants in Emsland (northwestern Germany)

Common daisy

Bellis perennis, common daisy Bellis perennis, common daisy, double flowered

The yellow tubular flowers of the daisy imitates an abundance of pollen. Below a double flowered garden plant.


Bellis perennis L.:
Blooming period: year-round, especially from March to May
Height: 5–20 cm
Flowers: in heads, Ø of the heads
1–3 cm, stamens: 5, styles: 1
Ray florets: white or reddish, several rows
Disc florets: yellow
Calyx: missing
Stem leaves: missing
Basal leaves: stalked, spatulate

Plant perennial, herbaceous, with a creeping rhizome.

Stem leafless (= scape), petite, slightly hairy, never branched.

Basal leaves spatulate to obovate, pressed onto the ground, slightly hairy, narrowed into a petiole, margins slightly serrate.

The flower heads are arranged solitary at the tip of the stem. They are surrounded by 2 circles of herbaceous, obtuse phyllaries.

At the margin of the heads are often several rows of white or reddish female florets. The yellow tubular flowers are hermaphroditic. Receptacle convex, hollow, without chaffy leaves. The ovary consists of 2 carpels.

After self- or wind pollination or pollination by flies, bees, bumblebees or butterflies, 1 mm form long, flattened nut fruits (achenes) without flight organs are formed, which are dispersed by the wind or by attaching to animals. Plant semi-evergreen.

Floral formula mostly:
↓ K0 C(5) G(2) inferior bzw.
* K0 [C(5) A5(connate) G(2) inferior

Meadows, lawns, pastures, roadsides. Prefers sunny, slightly damp and nitrogen-rich locations.

Native to Eurasia, now spread worldwide.